Document management and workflow

Document and workflow management software

Prepare for digital transformation with our document management solutions.

The Rapido-ECS® document management software offered by DueEsseTi provides a state-of-the-art solution for digitization and document organization in companies. This modular platform is designed to improve operational efficiency and foster effective collaboration through optimized document management and business workflows.

Document management and workflow

Document management and digital transformation: why they work

All your information digitized and easily accessible

Digitization makes documents easily and intuitively accessible-your business staff will always have everything they need to do their work.

The digital transformation redesigns and improves the processes that govern your business, combining data from different systems (dematerialization, PEC management, electronic invoicing).

Access to information becomes immediate, security is assured-your business becomes more productive and efficient.

Rapido-ECS®, a document management and distribution system, effectively structures internal communication processes and activity flows-your business teams will increase the efficiency of their tasks.

Benefits of Rapid Document Management Software-ECS®.

  • Efficiency and operational quality
    Automates document management processes, reducing human errors and speeding up task completion.
  • Improved collaboration
    Enables teams to work together more effectively, with centralized access to the documents they need, regardless of their geographic location.
  • Controlled Access to Information
    Ensures that only authorized users can access critical information, preserving privacy and security.
  • Integrity and Security
    Protects the company against data loss and damage by maintaining high information integrity.
  • Regulatory Compliance
    Ensures that document management complies with applicable regulations, facilitating compliance with legal requirements and industry standards.
  • Scalability
    It grows with your business, adapting to changes and increases in document volume without compromising performance.
  • Reducing Costs
    Cuts physical document management costs by converting processes to digital.

Features of Rapido-ECS® - Document Management Software

Workflow design and performance monitoring

With Rapido-ECS®, internal workflows are simplified. Each department quickly structures and modifies its workflows and assigns tasks to managers. The system automatically generates operational links and sequences, ensuring the automatic circulation of documents within the company.

Content and document management

Rapido-ECS® captures all of your company's paper and electronic content, from documents attached to e-mail to multimedia files. All content is indexed and organized into archives structured according to your business needs.

Content distribution and preservation

Rapido-ECS® provides complete document control and massive content distribution among users. The system manages the lifecycle of enterprise content in compliance with regulations and offers features for long-term archiving and controlled data destruction.

Library of additional modules

Rapido-ECS® can be integrated with various applications developed by Plugin, which extend its functionality, including:

  • advanced electronic signature(RAPIDO-SIGN),
  • electronic invoicing(RAPIDO-INVOICE),
  • GDPR compliance(RAPIDO-GDPR),
  • anti-money laundering compliance(RAPIDO-AML),
  • notarization of documents and processes(RAPIDO-BLOCKCHAIN)
  • expense note management(RAPIDO-XPENSE).

Some screenshots of the software

ECS software presentation: ask us now!

Contact us by filling out the form: our sales manager will listen to your needs and introduce you to the Rapido-ECS® software and its possible adaptations.